We guarantee a refund for the product, if it does not match the description. The client has the right to return such a product and receive a refund or replace it with a product of good quality that meets the parameters of a previously placed order.

While placing order from our online resource, please pay special attention to setting up your monitor: the colors of the original picture may differ significantly from those displayed by your digital device. Moreover, the mismatch of these colors is not a defect and the basis for the return of products.

The right to return or replace the goods does not apply to goods of proper quality.

Return of goods occurs only in case of defect on the grounds established by European law.

If a defect is discovered, please contact our manager immediately by e-mail shorinprint@gmail.com. In a letter addressed to Shorin D.A., be sure to indicate the reasons for refusing to purchase and confirm the existence of a defect with appropriate photographs. After agreeing on the return procedure with the manager, attach the appropriate application drawn up in any order and a note in which form it is more convenient for you to receive the funds paid for the order.

As soon as we receive the returned order, we send it to the quality department. After confirming the fact of the xistence of a defect, we refund the money you paid earlier within the 21-day period specified by law.

Please note: in accordance with applicable law, the cost of courier, postal services, delivery costs, as well as taxes, customs fees or other similar payments, if any, will occur upon the actual return of the goods, is not subject to compensation.

Important: according to the Consumer Rights Protection Law, the returned product must retain its presentation, properties and labels. T-shirts that fall under the category “underwear” cannot be exchanged or returned.

If the goods were damaged during transportation, then all claims should be presented to the carrier company, so it is important to unpack and verify the integrity of the goods in the presence of the courier.

Hope for your understanding.